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Pitching best practice

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Follow up the meeting Final checklist: Factors that determine which agency is chosen Include the analytics/ROI model for each proposal/idea Don't think you know more about their brand than they do Don't let your campaign cost exceed their budget Don't be oblivious to their other agencies Include a safe, easy-to-buy idea Follow PowerPoint etiquette Include the campaign timing plan Don't over-sell any idea Don't do all the talking Tell them a story Enjoy yourself Get there with time to spare Make a winning presentation Skillfully sell the creative Leave plenty of time for a team rehearsal Evaluate the creative work Understand how the client will evaluate the work Avoid these common marcoms errors Document writing skills Include the ideal 'about us' section Plan the presentation/document Create the proposition Write the ideal creative brief Start the presentation with the creative work? Mitigate their perceived risks Do your homework on the decision makers Be channel neutral Position the agency as different from the competition Present a clear point of view Review price and value Demonstrate exactly what's in it for them Request a 'tissue session'? Gain valuable insight on their customers Set up a brainstorm Agree a Q&A session to fill gaps in the brief Agree your pitching winning strategy Agree a pitch time plan Fuel the creative work Set up your strategic planning meeting Pick the right pitch team Analyse the pitch brief Understand the fundamentals of their business